Long Term Care & Residence Nil-Rate Band Seminar

  Crown Wealth Management held a seminar at Shrewsbury Town Football Club on the 6th September as part of their Professional updates programme for professional connections. The event was well … Continue reading “Long Term Care & Residence Nil-Rate Band Seminar”

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Preparing for a new future

Divorce amongst older couples is on the rise in the UK, and it is these older divorcées who could find themselves at a bigger financial disadvantage than their younger counterparts. … Continue reading “Preparing for a new future”

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Transferring Pensions

Most people switch jobs several times during their working life. However, when you change employers, it is also worth thinking about the pension savings that you have accrued. You might … Continue reading “Transferring Pensions”

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Your choices at Retirement

When you reach retirement age, you have important choices to make. Reforms introduced from April 2015 drastically increased the amount of freedom and choice available for pension savers. Individuals can … Continue reading “Your choices at Retirement”

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An overview of a SIPP

A Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) is a tax-efficient wrapper – a particular type of pension – that sits around your retirement fund, allowing you to select from a wide range … Continue reading “An overview of a SIPP”

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Budget 2016

The Budget proved something of a mixed blessing for UK businesses. The headline rate of corporation tax will be reduced from its current level of 20% to 17% by 2020. … Continue reading “Budget 2016”

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Crown Wealth Management – Top 100 Adviser 2015

For the third year running we have been recognised as a top 100 firm in New Model Adviser Magazine, a Citywire publication. This confirms that a firm based in Shrewsbury … Continue reading “Crown Wealth Management – Top 100 Adviser 2015”

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CWM Welcomes James

As part of our commitment to improve the service we offer to our clients, James Benson has joined us, to work alongside Elly in the Client Services Team. James will … Continue reading “CWM Welcomes James”

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Inheriting your deceased spouses ISA

Previously, ISAs lost all their tax benefits on the death of the holder and formed part of their estate for inheritance tax purposes. From now on, for deaths on or … Continue reading “Inheriting your deceased spouses ISA”

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Help to buy ISA

Many clients are asking about help to buy ISAs as a savings vehicle to help their children save a deposit for their first home. The 2015 Budget confirmed ISAs as … Continue reading “Help to buy ISA”

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December Market Commentary

Although major equity markets generally rose over November, investor sentiment was undermined by mounting geopolitical tensions. In particular, the terrorist atrocities that took place mid-month in Paris shook investor confidence, … Continue reading “December Market Commentary”

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2015 Autumn Statement Overview

2015’s Autumn Statement was not short on surprises, as higher tax receipts and lower debt costs provided Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne with some leeway to soften austerity measures. … Continue reading “2015 Autumn Statement Overview”

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